Friday, August 19, 2011

home from Ukraine

I've been home from Ukraine for several weeks, with a vacation to Ontario squeezed in there, but my processing of the trip hasnt stopped. I've been thinking a lot about the wonderful people there, and wondering if I'll ever get to see them again. There are two families in particular that Id love to see again, and I'd love to have them come to Canada for a visit. If I had the money, I'd make it happen, but until then, I'll have to settle with the possibility of returning to Ukraine.

Ryan keeps talking about going next summer with a young adult team, so the possibility is there, but it may be 2 years before I get to go again. God is gracious and knows our hearts and when we are willing to obey He opens great doors for us. i pray that God sees this heart and answers my prayers because I'd really love to go back. I want to see the work that God is doing in Ukraine, and be apart of it.

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