Monday, June 20, 2011


God never ceases to amaze me. Last week going to Ukraine with Ryan wasnt a reality, and this week, I'm that much closer to going. You see after my crazy insane week last week where I was feeling really down on myself for who I am, and after having coffee with an incredible woman of God, I came to realize that I am a beautiful creation, and God has designed me and knit me together to be the person I am. Yes I also need tweaking, but He knows that and still uses me for His glory and purpose.

So after re-discovering that, I gave my life back to God. (I was trying to do life on my own, which doesn't work out when God is supposed to be in control).

Now Ukraine is a reality. We have the finances in place to go, I have the child care in place, I have my heart in place, and the willingness to go. Now I just need to hear about the flights, quite honestly I dont even care if I have to fly alone. I just want to go. See its a dream missions trip for me. The team Ry is taking is going to an orphanage for 10 days. They are living there, eating there and spending all their time there. I longed for this.

I feel and know that when we live in the will of God things work out for us. The road is not always easy, but we get to our destination. When we try to take control and make decisions not based on Christ's call, but according to our own selfish desires, theres no room for him inside our hearts. selfishness is the only thing filling that space.

I feel so blessed to have this desire of my heart come to be. I have longed to go for many years and this will be our first missions trip together. I cannot wait to experience this with Ryan and the team.

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